2/6/2020 Meeting Minutes

25 Jul

Highland Lakes Aggie Mom’s Club General Meeting Feb.6,2020
Marble Falls Chamber of Commerce Conf.Room
6:00 PM
Barbara called the meeting to order at 6:30, as Judy was not present.We
watched a short video on the Academic Success Center.We discussed how this
would be good to watch at the first meeting of the new school year, with our
new Aggie parents.
Barbara gave the Treasurers report….balance is $601.49.We need to make
money at Boutique. We spent $1000 on book awards and $420 on scarves,
along with $49 for Federation membership dues.Tables for the Boutique will be
$150, which Judy has offered to donate that expense.We also decided to issue
a new check to our past Carpool speaker, as there was a problem with her
cashing the check.
A motion to approve the Jan.minutes was made by Candi and a second by
Book award checks have all cleared with the exception of one.Tina T. will check
with her daughter on that.
Boutique is April 17-18. Judy will take the items and set up.She needs a few
helpers, so please check your calendars.This is a great money maker for us!
Most of our mom’s going will arrive sometime on Fri.
Judy, Candi, Dani and Kelly will be in CS Fri. Barbara,Tina T.and Kelly can help
on Sat.Candi can help as well, if not doing Family Weekend things with her
Hours are Fri.,10-5 and Sat.,9-5.
Our raffle idea is 2 Adirondack chairs with a table, in neutral color, and 2 Aggie
pillows.Judy will get these at her cost.Our club will reimburse her. We can sell
tickets ahead of time and Barbara will make the tickets.Dani will check to see if
tickets may be sold at the Aggie golf tournament in March in Marble Falls.
There is some prep to be done on our Boutique items…bows for the hangings.
Spring Goody bag idea from Bonnie is a styrofoam A&M ice chest filled with
goodies.Bonnie was not at meeting so need to ask her what we can donate to
this.Tina T. mentioned BBB has an Aggie blanket on sale.
Goody bags will be delivered on April 24.All are welcome to go.
It’s time to get our new officers in line for next year.Tina Gregory said she would
be happy to continue being Secretary.Please think about becoming an officer!
Aggie brags were given, door prizes drawn,Aggie money was not drawn and
Keva gave a very informative Aggie Tradition…. Silver Taps.
Our next meeting will be March 5 at Bill’s Burgers,6:00 PM….Mom’s and
Meeting was adjourned at 7:30.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Gregory,Secretary
February 11,2020