Highland Lakes Aggie Moms Club
May 5th, 2022-HIdden Falls Bistro
- Welcome- 6:11 PM
- Treasurer’s report- ending balance as of 4/30/22- $11,699.01
Judy gave a summary of the 21-22 fundraiser, which brought in
- Approval of Minutes
Judy Miller made a motion to approve the April minutes and
Reene Bradshaw seconded the motion. Motion passed
- Old Business
- Raffle Winners: Ross Bingham won chairs and Gloria Couch
won the fire pit.
- Goody Bags for finals: Julia reported that everything went well.
The fall dates will be December 2nd, 2022.
c. Motion to change bank information/signers:
Judy Miller made a motion to remove Barbara Walker and Judy
Miller as signers on the bank account and replace the names
with Shelly Hanneman and Reene Bradshaw. Michelle Floyd
seconded the motion. Motion passed
d. Installation of 2022-2023 Board:
-Reene Bradshaw- President
-Susanna Dollar- Vice President
-Chrystal Whiteside- Secretary
-Shelly Hanneman- Treasurer
V. New Business
- Next Year’s calendar plans
June 30th- Meet and Greet with Reveille
July 14th- Social with Q/A time
August 4th- Howdy party
VI. Traditions: Reene shared the history of the Gig ‘Em gesture.
VII. Aggie Moments: All moms present shared their brags and
concerns with the group.
VIII. Adjournment
The board will meet on June 2nd at 6 pm. The club will meet again for an official meeting on August 4th for our Howdy Party. Reene adjourned the meeting at 7:29 and then welcome all to join the Highland Lakes Aggie Club’s happy hour.