9/3/2020 Meeting Minutes

29 Mar

Highland Lakes Aggie Mom’s General Meeting Out Back Patio Furnishings Sept. 3, 2020 6:00 PM

Meeting was called to order at 6:20 by Judy and the speaker, Dr. Jill Grimes was introduced. Dr. Jill did a wonderful presentation on Covid and how A&M is handling the situation. She also provided tips on how to help our Aggie stay healthy. She came to the meeting via Zoom, as did a few of our club members.

After the presentation, Bonnie discussed the fall semester goodie bag. This year there will not be any distribution on campus. Bonnie will bring the bags to the Nov. meeting. The goodie is an A&M duffel bag with the graduation year of your Aggie monogrammed on it, along with a big bag of Ricco’s popcorn. The cost is $40.We cannot make homemade treats this year, but all are encouraged to make treats for your Aggie. Please order ASAP so the monogram can be done.

If we want to do Boutique this year, we need to get started on it now.

Walkway of Lights is still on. We hope to get a weekend date this year. At this time, we do not know how things will be set up, due to Covid.

Keva gave The Tradition…the history and meaning of Silver Taps.

Book awards were drawn: Thomas Adams, Weston Schultz, Heath Buttery and Valerie Coffey won the drawing. Barbara will send the money in.

Our next Meeting will be on Thurs., Oct.1 at 6:00 at Judy’s shop and Zoom. This is our “Whine and Wine” meeting. You are welcome to bring your questions and concerns about your Aggie, thus far in the semester. ****No notes for minutes will be taken on your topics you want discussed.****

Meeting was adjourned at approx. 8:15.

Respectfully Submitted, Tina Gregory, Secretary Sept. 26, 2020