2/4/2021 Meeting Minutes

29 Mar



  1. The February meeting of the Highland Lakes Aggie Mom’s Club, which was held at Out Back Patio Furnishings, was called to order by Judy Miller at 6:11pm. She warmly welcomed all those in attendance. Present were Reene Bradshaw, Dani Hodge, Barbara Walker, Tammy Marvin, Julia Adams, Jennifer Lindner and Bonnie Wallace.

    Judy announced that Tina Gregory resigned from her position of secretary, effective immediately and asked for someone to take notes in Tina’s place. Bonnie offered to take notes for this meeting.

  2. Barbara gave the Treasurer’s Report. Bottom line was there is currently a balance of $6,212,00.
  3. There were no minutes presented to approve from previous meeting.
  4. The discussion about how many and the drawing for book awards was tabled until Judy informed us about several charitable causes which we would consider supporting.
  5. Old Business

a. Jacob Hardin: Judy gave a comprehensive update on Jacob Hardin

VI. New Business
a. Charitable Causes: Judy read information about 2 causes which we

could vote to support or not. The first was SONGFEST and the second was TEXAS A&M PAHNELLENIC ADOPT A SENIOR. There was a lengthy discussion of both. Julia moved that we adopt 2 seniors at a cost of $175 each and donate $50 to the Songfest organization, for a total of $400 in charitable donations from our funds. Barbara seconded the motion. All present voted in favor and motion carried. After we had determined our charitable donations, there was a lengthy discussion on book awards. Julia moved that we draw for 6 book awards this meeting. Tammy seconded the motion.

All present voted to approve and motion carried. We then drew the following students to receive book awards: Jacob Weir, Keelan Ritchie, Allyson Hoffman, Kelsey Walker, Molly Lindner and Braedon Whiteside.

  1. Aggie Mom Boutique: Judy advised that Aggie Mom Boutique will proceed online this year. We decided to participate and Judy will get the required registration form and fees sent in. We will also add something on the Highland Lakes Aggie Mom’s website.
  2. Officer Nomination Process: Judy explained the officer nomination process and there followed a discussion on where to hold the “Margaritas & Moms” meeting in March. It was determined that we would hold the meeting at Chili’s in Marble Falls on March 4th.
  3. Goody Bags: Bonnie presented a sample of a Goody Bag she proposes to do this Spring. It is called “Study S’More and get Smart” and has s’more ingredients and snack items that have “smart” in their name. It will cost $20 and Bonnie handed out order forms and emailed Judy a pdf to share with all.

VII. Traditions
a. Tammy shared a tradition she had recently seen on her phone called

THE BIG EVENT. It is the largest such event in the nation, and now has even had international exposure. It is essentially Aggie Self-Service and began in Bryan/College Station with a group of Aggies expressing their appreciation of the community by cleaning up the community.

VIII. Aggie Brags
a. All present shared their Aggie Brags!

IX. Adjournment
a. With no additional business, Judy adjourned the meeting at 8:14pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Bonnie N. Wallace