11/7/2019 Meeting Minutes

25 Jul

Highland Lakes Aggie Mom’s
General Meeting Minutes
Thursday, November 7th, 2019 6:00 pm
Marble Falls Chamber of Commerce

Social time was from 6:00-6:30. The meeting was called to order by Pres. Judy Miller at 6:30. At that time our speakers were introduced. They were Benjamin Johnson, coordinator of former student programs, and current student, Morgan Thibodeaux, who spoke on a student organization called Aggie Miracles. She is the daughter of our member, Tina Thibodeaux. Benjamin shared so much helpful info. on ways former students can be involved after they graduate. He also spoke about the tradition of the Aggie ring. It was a very interesting presentation. Morgan spoke about an organization she is very active in called Aggie Miracles. They work alongside McLane Children’s Med.Center in Temple. They are doing an Aggie Dance Marathon. She also told how other students can get involved, as well as ways to make donations. She shared a video about one of the children that is helped through the med. center. Judy presented the treasurer report, as Barbara Walker was not present. It was mentioned that the book award money should be received for the students who won by end of this week. A motion was made to approve the report by Keva and a second was made by Candi. All agreed. A motion was made by Candi to approve the Oct. minutes and a second was made by Bonnie. All agreed.
Goody bags are being delivered on Monday, Dec.2.The time is approx.9-1. Please tell your student the time and place. Judy will send out more exact info.as it is known.
Walkway of Lights will be Dec.27 and 28. A volunteer sign up was passed out. It was decided that no more than 3 volunteers in trailer, per shift, because the space is so small. All are needed to bake cookies. Please put cookies in individual baggies for the sale. We will also do hot chocolate and get 4 cases of water to sell. Judy will reach out to other area clubs so they can come out and see what we do.
Our Christmas party will be at Painting Pallet in Marble Falls on Tuesday, Dec. 10. The cost is $50 per person, due that night. We will paint an Aggie theme item that we will donate back to sell at Boutique. Candi will pick 3 designs that we can pick from that night. She will also select the correct colors. A sign up sheet was put together and an email will be sent to get an accurate count. Count is due by this coming Tuesday.
For Boutique we decided to use Dani’s idea of making 2 gift type baskets/ packages for a raffle instead of making several different things to sell.We will do one for a guy and one for a girl….all things for a dorm room or apt. Perhaps sell tickets for $5 each. Boutique is April 17. Hotels are booking up fast and are also very $$,it was mentioned.
New Business: Judy asked if we wanted to donate to Marble Falls Project Graduation. We decided no because we would need to donate to the other schools where our members are from.
Keva gave the Tradition…the history of the Aggie ring. It was very interesting and went into more detail than what our speaker had discussed. Judy thanked all who brought yummy refreshments. Candi’s daughter won the big $40 fun money! Door prizes were drawn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:00.
Next meeting is Tuesday,Dec.10 at Painting Pallet in Marble Falls,6-9:30. Respectfully Submitted, Tina Gregory,Secretary Nov.8,2019