Highland Lakes Aggie Moms Club
General Meeting Minutes
August 2, 2018
Chamber of Commerce
Marble Falls, TX
I. Meeting called to order at approximately 7:01 p.m. by Sharon Dare.
II. New Business:
a. Membership and Book Award forms discussed.
b. Treasurer report- Charity reported balance of $2925.40
c. Introductions:
1. Existing Moms and New Moms (Tina Gregory)
d. Aggie Brags defined.
e. Changed meeting to first Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. and the
Social at 6:30 p.m.
f. Calendar of the clubs monthly meetings was discussed.
g. September Meeting guest speakers will be Policewomen from C.S.
h. Fundraisers discussed- Walkway of Lights
i. Goodie Bags discussed
j. Federation Meeting: August 24-25, 2018- was discussed and invited
members to attend
k. Judy Miller will work on Aggie Moms Website
l. Fun money discussed
m. Traditions discussed and given by Sharon Dare
n. Future Traditions will be given by Tina Gregory
III. Aggie Brags were shared.
IV. Minutes from 4/12 Approved
V. Next Meeting Sept 6th at the Chamber of Commerce
VI. The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m.