Highland Lakes Aggie Mom’s Club General Meeting
October 3, 2019
Out Back Patio Furnishings
6:00 PM
Social time began at 6:00 and the meeting was called to order by President Judy Miller. She announced that this was our “Wine and Whine” meeting.
Special guest,Federation of Texas A&M Mothers Club President ,Cathleen Inman ’88, was introduced and welcomed.
A motion to approve the minutes from the Sept. meeting was made by Julia Adams and a second by Keva Weir.
Judy handed out a contact list of members. There are corrections that need made. A new sheet will be available at the Nov.meeting.
Bonnie Wallace was not present, but she sent an example of our upcoming goody bag, an A&M Christmas stocking with our Aggie’s name and graduation date. It will be filled with many special treats. Order forms and money were collected. Forms will also be collected at the Nov.meeting. Cost is $25 per stocking.You may also mail your order and check to Bonnie before Nov.7.
The sign up for Walkway of Lights has not opened up on the Chamber website. We should have the dates at our next meeting. It was suggested that we invite other area Mom’s Clubs out to the event so they can see what we do.
Boutique ideas were discussed. Candi Burrows showed a scarf that her friend could make for us to sell. We decided to order 20 of them to sell at Boutique. She will sell them to us for $20 each and then we can sell them for $30. We decided to take them to Walkway of Lights to see if we can sell them and we can always order more. Cathleen said there would be no problem for us to sell them there.
Trademarks were discussed for items we might make to sell at Boutique. Basically, if we make something that uses an item that has already been trademarked, not a problem. An example would be A&M fabric. It was trademarked and we made something from it. Cathleen said she had info. on trademarks and she would send it to Judy. It was very helpful having Cathleen at the meeting to clear this up. Tables at Boutique are $75 each, so a good idea to keep that in mind as far as what our money goal is. Cathleen also said she would send info. on filing sales
tax. Cathleen shared that items are carefully monitored and checked during Boutique for trademark violations.
The next part of our meeting was the “whine” part. Many great discussions were had and once again, Cathleen was very helpful, along with all the moms.( Side note: perhaps Cathleen could come next year to this same meeting since she lives close.)
Jennifer Fest had finished the quilt patch for the quilt for the Federation of Texas A&M Mothers Club President. Since Cathleen was present she took it with her.
Keva Weir shared a “Tradition”…the story behind Gig’Em. Door prizes were then drawn. Our next meeting will be Thurs.,Nov.7 at the Chamber of Commerce conf.room in Marble Falls. Social time is at 6:00 and meeting time is 6:30.
Other dates:Dec.2 is Goody Bag Day at A&M. All are welcome to go.
Dec.5 is Painting Pallet for our Christmas event. We will all pay our own way to paint and donate our item to our Boutique sales.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Gregory,Secretary
October 9, 2019
10/03/2019 Meeting Minutes