10/7/2021 Meeting Minutes

29 Mar

Highland Lakes Aggie Moms Outback Patio October 7, 2021


Call to Order: Julia Adams, Co-President called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm, with the following members in attendance:

Jennifer Lindner, Co President Judy Miller, Treasure
Lori Pool
Susanna Dollar
Renee Kroese
Shelly Hanneman

Introduction of Speakers – Judy Miller, got the Zoom meeting up and running to introduce Memo, Head Yell Leader.

Treasurers Report – Judy Miller gave the treasurer’s report, beginning balance was $7,473.92 and ending balance was $5973.92.

Approval of Minutes – Approved.

New Business: We discussed the swatch for the Federation Quilt and came up with a drawing of hills, bluebonnets and deer. Susanna Dollar will take point on it and send out the final drawing for approval or suggestions.

Reene Bradshaw has signed us up for two weekends at Walkway of Lights, November 19 and December 17 and 18th. We all agreed we would go up on the cost of water and cookies by $1, so now it is $2 per item.

Next Meeting – The next meeting with be at Wakepoint to watch the Aggies vs Mississippi State on November 13th.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30